White mold is a common sight in households with damp and humid conditions. It is easy to spot, as you will notice a distinctive white film on surfaces that have been left damp for a long time, such as carpets and wallpaper. Some people believe that white mold is dangerous, but there is not enough evidence to support this claim.
Prolonged contact with white mold can cause health issues or even structural damage. It is essential to understand what causes white mold and prevent it from occurring to avoid these problems. This article will cover everything from the most common types of white mold down to prevention and how to stop them before they cause any damage.
What is white mold?
White mold is a fungus belonging to the family of molds. Its texture is similar to that of mushrooms, which are also fungi. White mold is very similar in appearance to a thin layer of silk or cotton on surfaces that have been left damp for a few days.
This mold is called white because it can grow on damp and dry surfaces without changing color or texture due to its hyphal structure. It has filaments called hyphae which extend from the main body of the fungus. These hyphae have capillaries that allow them to absorb as many nutrients as possible from their surroundings.
Like any other mold, white mold also prefers damp and humid conditions. The fungus prefers these conditions because it is an osmophilic organism that needs a moist environment to absorb nutrients.
White mold spores are usually found in soil, hay, straw, paper products, cardboard boxes, drywall, clothes, shoes (leather), or wood, indicating that there may be white mold in any location where organic materials are present.
What does white mold look like?
When they first develop, white mold is hard to distinguish from any other white film that forms on surfaces like paint, salt deposits, and dust. Fortunately, white mold leaves a distinctive and visible trace of itself which can help you identify it before it advances too far.
It begins with the appearance of fluffy points, which grow more significantly by extending their branches towards nearby objects to absorb nutrients. This growth is fast enough for us to see it with the naked eye, but if you look closely enough, you will notice that this white fungus also produces spores.
These microscopic structures are the main reason why white mold can spread so rapidly. The spores are made by structures called sporangium, which is found underneath the capillaries, and they can be ejected to a reasonable distance when the fungus is mature.
What causes white mold?
Many conditions favor the formation of white mold in your home. The development of white mold requires three crucial elements:
- Moisture
- Temperature, and
- Organic matter
If you have all three of these conditions in your home, then it is highly likely that you will grow white mold.
White mold is generally caused by fungi that feed on moist substances like paintings, wallpaper, drywall, leather, or fabrics. They utilize the moisture in the air and any organic materials to grow into colonies commonly referred to as mildew. Damp clothes, moist leather, furniture, bathroom tiles, cupboards, and even carpets can be affected by white mold.